WSOP summer schedule announced...

February 19th, 2025 Newsletter

Summer Fun!......

The World Series of Poker has released its full summer bracelet schedule.  You can find a link here:

I know some of us are going to be out there this summer and hope that, if our schedules line up, we will be able to meet up, hang out, and maybe play some cards together.  The First Lady and I will definitely be there in mid June for the Seniors tournament as I will be eligible for the first time.  Let me know if you have plans of going and I can post a master list and players can meet up when available.

Even if you aren't going to the WSOP this year, take a look at the schedule.  What event would you be interested if you were to win the seat in next year's points race?  What do you think you should work on to get to that point?

Working on your game?  See cheap hands!

When deciding to work on your poker game a few considerations should be given as to how to proceed.  You could study more (start by trying some of the free stuff I pointed out in this December newsletter) or you could play more.

I believe that once a player has gotten to an intermediate level, both study and practice (playing) are essential.  Learning and reenforcing with practice is how we best learn most anything in life.

However, at the very beginning of learning poker, I think it is most important to see a lot of hands and therefore play a lot of hours of poker.  This, of course can get expensive.

In a live setting, you are going to see about 1 hand every 2 minutes.  Online you will see a hand every 45 seconds or so.  The fact that live play is usually more expensive to play at the lowest stakes ($1/$2 blinds live vs. $.05/$.10 blinds online), its obvious that you are going to need to play online unless you and your bankroll have zero fear of losing a lot to learn.  We are going to ignore playing with "free" chips as the amount you can learn from such play is very limited.

Couple this with the idea that most of us are interested in tournament play and the prospects are limited.  It just seems finding a fair and inexpensive game that isn't heavy on rake and the players seem to be actually trying is difficult to do. Except in our Tuesday game of course (zero rake).

I really do believe that playing a $25 online game like ours with people you trust is probably the best way to learn for the least cost.  If only there were more opportunities like this!

Well for those of you looking, our club member Dave Paukovitz just started a new game.  It's a $20 buyin that I think he is still tinkering with but it seems to be growing.  Get some more info on his facebook page Friends of Pauko or email him at:

Know a Game Player: "Miami" John Cernuto

"Miami" John holds the record for the most tournament cashes recorded by The Hendon Mob with 597 cashes.  He passed away last week and was regarded as one of the good people of poker.  Miami played all the games and was interested in how poker worked on a fundamental level.  What is most remarkable to me is that Miami didn't get his first cash until he was 43 years old.  There truly is hope for us all.

This week's Tip of the Cap goes to.... Joe and Joey Schwenk for coming in 7th in the Tag Team event at Firekeepers in Michigan!  Great job you two!

This week's second Tip of the Cap goes to.... Our Club.  We broke the record for most entries at 29 tonight!  Great job everyone.  It was fun having 4 tables going.

This week's unprecedented third Tip of the Cap goes to.... Our club member that rarely shows up on Tuesdays (👎).  My good friend Kevin McConnell came in 7th place in the PLO8 WSOP circuit ring event in Cherokee, NC.  I am so excited for him to final table this as it is his favorite game.

Follow results, get reminders of upcoming tournaments, and receive random poker news on Twitter by following me @FreezeoutPoker .  If you have a result you would like to share with the group or find yourself playing cards in a notable location, please tag us @FreezeoutPoker to share it with this group.

If you haven't tried the Zoom group hosted by points leader JerzeJoe, you need to give it a shot.  It's a load of fun and sometimes you can get an idea on what the other zoomers are thinking.  Any information is good information right?

The ZOOM password is 432777


2025 Points Leaders

  1. Rex Bell 33
  2. Joe Schwenk 28
  3. David Paukovitz 25
  4. Andrew Schultz 23
  5. Michael Culpepper 22
  6. Chris Lannoye 20
  7. Steve Usseler 19
  8. Marty Kunz 17
  9. Toy 17
  10. Ryan C 17

Recent Results

  • February 11th, 2025
  • 1st - Ryan C.
  • 2nd - Noel S.
  • 3rd - Carlos P.
  • 4th - Michael T.
  • February 18th, 2025.
  • 1st - Robert R.
  • 2nd - Michael N.
  • 3rd - Jeff J.
  • 4th - David M.

Coach's Corner

Since we are talking rake (or lack thereof) in this newsletter.  I thought it would be helpful to know what it is and how it is typically calculated.  This video is very good in facts and very horrible in production value.  I learned a few things myself but I am glad my name isn't in the credits


Level: Beginner - expert


2025 Points Leaders

  1. Rex Bell 33
  2. Joe Schwenk 28
  3. David Paukovitz 25
  4. Andrew Schultz 23
  5. Michael Culpepper 22
  6. Chris Lannoye 20
  7. Steve Usseler 19
  8. Marty Kunz 17
  9. Toy 17
  10. Ryan C 17

Recent Tuesday Freezeout Results

  • February 11th, 2025
  • 1st - Ryan C.
  • 2nd - Noel S.
  • 3rd - Carlos P.
  • 4th - Michael T.
  • February 18th, 2025.
  • 1st - Robert R.
  • 2nd - Michael N.
  • 3rd - Jeff J.
  • 4th - David M.

Coach's Corner

Since we are talking rake (or lack thereof) in this newsletter.  I thought it would be helpful to know what it is and how it is typically calculated.  This video is very good in facts and very horrible in production value.  I learned a few things myself but I am glad my name isn't in the credits


Level: Beginner - expert

Venmo Addresses


Michael Culpepper - @Michael-Culpepper-14

Joe Schwenk - @Joseph-Schwenk

Jonathan Ayala - @Jonathan-Ayala-55

Have any questions or feedback for this newsletter?  If so, please email me


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