Free poker study content - Improve your game on the cheap!

December 4th, 2024 Newsletter

Cold Deck Quote:

"Holdem is to Stud what chess is to checkers"  - Johnny Moss

All you need to get better at poker: 

  • Brain
  • Study
  • Money

If you are reading this, I think it is safe to say that you have a brain.  Congratulations.  Because you have a brain, you have the ability to "hit the books" and study.  To be sure, to be able to study, you need to find the time.  If something is important though, we find the time.  You're reading this newsletter so you must have, at least a little free time.

Which brings us to number three..... money.  A lot of us spend some of our entertainment budget on playing poker.  Sometimes it's hard to justify spending more on learning how to do something you are already doing and spending money on!  Well, if this is an issue for you, I've got your back.  We are going to list some free (yes FREE) sources for studying NLH.

First, let's hit some phone applications.  Whenever I am waiting whether it be in a doctors office, restaurant, tire shop, or wherever, I have my phone on me and can mess around with one of these free apps:

  • Preflop+ - This app is great in that you can study GTO preflop decisions finding Nash Equilibrium, Equity realization, range application, pot odds, and combination drills all in one app.  Only 5 drills on each subject are allowed daily in the free version but that is actually a lot of free study.  It takes me about 10 minutes to get through the free stuff each day.  Preflop is the most important part of your game.  Don't neglect it!
  • Postflop+ - This sister app to Preflop+ takes you to three free heads up hands each day.  You are making decisions on the flop, turn, and river.  You get to see how far you are straying from Game Theory Optimal.  This is THE app I find myself opening more often than any other.
  • GTO Preflop - This drill based app lets you pick your position and quizzes you on whether to raise, fold, or call based on prior action.  It also allows you to run the drill on 3 betting mode.  One of the great things about this app is that it doesn't limit the amount of time you can spend on it in a day.  The downside is it is 6-max based and doesn't offer full 9 player mode.
  • SnapShove - We all find ourself in shove mode sometimes due to our dwindling stack.  It would be nice to be reassured that our shoves are GTO approved for the situation.  Well check out the SnapShove app.  This app allows you to check out Shove / Fold decisions at a 9 player table.  It takes away a non all in raise and just gives you the best decision of whether to go all in or fold when first to act.  This is a handy tool that I have used when on break in a tournament and low in big blinds.
  • GTO Lookup - If charts are your thing, download GTO Lookup and wear those eyes out on these charts representing RFI and 3 betting from 8 positions.  This is a really powerful tool that also allows you to run a sim a day using set cards or ranges with random flops.

High tech isn't for everyone though.  Some people are readers.  Here are some free subscription emails that are delivered right to your inbox.

  • - tons of free stuff plus you can sign up for the emails which are quite good.  Just create a free login and you will get the emails about twice a month.  With your free subscription, you get a bunch of free quizzes and even some free courses.
  • - Dara O'Kearney is one of the best coaches out there and he sends an email once a week to the subscribers.  Just log in at the website and the emails will come.  Also, these guys aren't scammers, you can unsubscribe anytime.
  • - Alex Fitzgerald sends a short DAILY poker email to your inbox.  He isn't a GTO bot.  He is a daily grinder that can help your live game against fish.

If you are a listener, perhaps a podcast will be your ticket to free content.  Here are a list of my favorites.  Keep in mind, I primarily play MTTs so this list is going to lean toward the tournament player.

  • Tournament Poker Edge - Clayton Fletcher is a comedian and a very good poker player that takes you through some hands and situations he has been in lately.
  • Thinking Poker - Andrew Brokos is a poker genius.  Along with his partner Carlos Welch, they break down scenarios in a strategy segment typically followed by an interview with someone from the poker world.
  • Red Chip - The guys at Red Chip aren't putting out too many free podcasts these days but their library is a gold mine of free information and strategy.  Each cast is labeled for the subject matter discussed as well.
  • The Chip Race - This one annually wins the best poker podcast award.  It is a great production.  It has strategy but also delves into the poker news and rumor of the day.  Dara O'Kearney and David Lappin host this Irish based show.

Well, there you have it.  I have been meaning to make this list for you folks for a while.  The main thing is don't be overwhelmed.  Take it one piece at a time.  If one thing isn't speaking to you, move on to another and find a groove.  Some of my favorite reads and studies are items I used to dislike.

As always, if you have any questions, let me know.  If you have any suggestions for additions to this list, let me know that for sure.  I am always looking for new places to learn!

What would you do......  A new series on decisions.  I will give a real life scenario and you can tell me what you think and, maybe, how I messed it up.....

What:  $2Million GTD NLH Tournament ($400 buyin)

Where: Hard Rock Seminole Hollywood

Hero is in the CO with 54 BBs.

UTG +1 opens to 2 BBs. Action folds to.... 

HJ 3! to 6 BB. Action folds to....

Hero Flats the 6BB with JcJd. Action folds to.....

BB who 4! ALL IN for 24 BBs.  Action folds to...

HJ who 5! ALL IN isolation to 73 BB.

Hero folds the hooks and lives to fight another day.

Hit me up next time you see me or in the inbox if you have input or questions on this spot.  Or even if you just want to know the results.

This week's Tip of the Cap goes to.... Toy Saenkha.  Toy went on an absolute tear in November with 2 second place finishes followed by a bink to close out the month!  Great job Toy!

Follow results, get reminders of upcoming tournaments, and receive random poker news on Twitter by following me @FreezeoutPoker .  If you have a result you would like to share with the group or find yourself playing cards in a notable location, please tag us @FreezeoutPoker to share it with this group.

If you haven't tried the Zoom group hosted by points leader JerzeJoe, you need to give it a shot.  It's a load of fun and sometimes you can get an idea on what the other zoomers are thinking.  Any information is good information right?

The ZOOM password is 432777


2025 Points Leaders

  1. Joe Schwenk 28
  2. Rex Bell 24
  3. Chris Lannoye 18
  4. Michael Culpepper 18
  5. Andrew Shultz 16
  6. David Paukovitz 16

Recent Results

  • November 26th, 2024
  • 1st - Toy S
  • 2nd - Andrew S.
  • 3rd - Victor L.
  • 4th - Stan B.
  • December 3rd, 2024
  • 1st - Michael C.
  • 2nd - Marty K.
  • 3rd - Dave P.
  • 4th - Victor L.

Coach's Corner

Do you discuss hands with your friends and peers?  If not, you really should.  Not only do these interactions create community among players, the amount you can learn is absolutely amazing.


We learn more because of the interaction and also because its an actual hand that WE played.  We remember the pain and when we get feedback we will remember it more than just running a drill on a random hand.


However, as we begin discussing our hands, we need to work on our poker communications.  Faraz Jaka is here to help us include all the relevant information without making our friend's ears bleed.  Take some notes on taking notes in this Coach's Corner must!


Level: Where you are.


2025 Points Leaders

  1. Joe Schwenk 28
  2. Rex Bell 24
  3. Chris Lannoye 18
  4. Michael Culpepper 18
  5. Andrew Shultz 16
  6. David Paukovitz 16

Recent Tuesday Freezeout Results

  • November 26th, 2024
  • 1st - Toy S
  • 2nd - Andrew S.
  • 3rd - Victor L.
  • 4th - Stan B.
  • December 3rd, 2024
  • 1st - Michael C.
  • 2nd - Marty K.
  • 3rd - Dave P.
  • 4th - Victor L.

Coach's Corner

Do you discuss hands with your friends and peers?  If not, you really should.  Not only do these interactions create community among players, the amount you can learn is absolutely amazing.


We learn more because of the interaction and also because its an actual hand that WE played.  We remember the pain and when we get feedback we will remember it more than just running a drill on a random hand.


However, as we begin discussing our hands, we need to work on our poker communications.  Faraz Jaka is here to help us include all the relevant information without making our friend's ears bleed.  Take some notes on taking notes in this Coach's Corner must!


Level: Where you are.

Venmo Addresses


Michael Culpepper - @Michael-Culpepper-14

Joe Schwenk - @Joseph-Schwenk

Jonathan Ayala - @Jonathan-Ayala-55

Have any questions or feedback for this newsletter?  If so, please email me


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