Player Profile: Dave Paukovitz

November 19th, 2024 Newsletter

Cold Deck Quote:

"No-Limit Hold'em: Hours of boredom followed by moments of sheer terror."  - Tom McEvoy

Get to know a club member..... Dave Paukovitz

Dave cleaning up at his local home game.

  • Nickname: Pauko
  • Handle: TheNewHotPauko
  • Member since May

I met Dave a few months ago after he introduced himself to the Brad Owen Poker group on Facebook. I found it interesting and refreshing for a person to take the time to introduce himself to a large group. Included in his introduction was a link to a profile of sorts by Card Player Magazine discussing his recent win at SpadeClub (an online club group).

Michael Culpepper (Me): I noticed an Eagles logo as your avatar on PokerStars. Are you from Philadelphia?

David Paukovitz (Dave): Catasauqua. It is near Allentown so yea Eastern PA.

Me: I imagine there aren't too many Eagles fans roaming the South Carolina streets as you now live in the Charlotte region. What's the live poker scene look like in that region?

Dave: I technically live in Tega Cay, SC. It's about 20 miles from Charlotte. To answer your question, I have recently found out about quite a few local games. When moving here it was tough though. Me and another guy from the area actually started out own game. Now I have an online Friday game with my Fraternity brothers, sometimes a game on Saturday, and of course the Tuesday game with you guys.

Me: What do you do to keep your game sharp?

Dave: I don't have a poker study regiment. However, I watch a lot of poker and I will read emails or watch videos that I come across. As a matter of fact, I met you through the Brad Owen poker group on Facebook. So I try to stay tuned in.

Me: What hands are you always getting in trouble with?

Dave: I am always chasing a suited Ace. Even if its a small one, I am calling a raise preflop and can get myself in a bind.

Me: I suffer from the same malady. Dave, If you are able to close the gap an win the prize package to Vegas, what kind of game would you look to play with your winnings?

Dave: I would like to spend a week out there and meet up with some friends of mine. I would concentrate on a $1k or $2k event but would concentrate on Hold'em while keeping an eye out for the elusive Razz tournament.

Me: Do you have any plans to play outside your normal games anytime soon?

Dave: Time factor is my biggest obstacle so I enjoy playing when I can. I always tell people to learn the game, watch, study and at some point down the road, there will be an opportunity to play in a bigger game.  On a weekend when I went to pick up my daughter at school in DC, I left a day early to play a $500 entry at MGM National Harbor. I drove all night, arrived an hour after start time, chipped up and came in 4th. I feel like I may have won the thing but a set over set finished me. However, I had a great experience and solidified that I knew I could play well.

Me: We will leave it on that great advice for our readers. Thank you Dave for joining me.

Dave: You bet. Anytime.

This week's Tip of the Cap goes to.... All of our players and their families.  Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.  We certainly have a lot to be thankful for.

Mr. Pauko is keeping a ledger of all the results of our tournaments.  (Joe and I keep results only for the point tallys and payouts).  He is missing one tournament result.  If anyone has the results for May, 14th of this year, please let me know and I will get those to Dave.

Follow results, get reminders of upcoming tournaments, and receive random poker news on Twitter by following me @FreezeoutPoker .  If you have a result you would like to share with the group or find yourself playing cards in a notable location, please tag us @FreezeoutPoker to share it with this group.

Ryan Conner came up short of the $ in our freezeout game tonight (11.19.24)...... To be fair, he was multi tabling while playing a live game.  He shared a shot with me and I'll pass it along.

17 bracelets and an astronaut in one photo.  Oh yea and a good poker player behind the camera.

Zoom with Joe!  Joe hosts a free zoom meetup during our Tuesday Freezeout games.  Give it a try if that sounds like fun.

The ZOOM password is 432777


2025 Points Leaders

  1. Joe Schwenk 28
  2. Rex Bell 24
  3. Chris Lannoye 18
  4. Steve U. 15
  5. David Paukovitz 14
  6. Michael Culpepper 14

Recent Results

  • November 12th, 2024
  • 1st - Michael T.
  • 2nd - Toy S.
  • 3rd - Rex B.
  • 4th - Noel S. 
  • November 19th, 2024
  • 1st - Joe S.
  • 2nd - Toy S.
  • 3rd - Andrew S.
  • 4th - Steve U.

Coach's Corner

Ever wonder if you should get aggressive with your draw?  Maybe you should just come along with a call?  If you aren't getting pot odds, would a fold be best?


I'm not going to pretend that you are going to master playing on the come by watching this.  But if you find yourself too often wondering what the best course is, Mr. Little might be able to bring some clarity to us.


Level: Intermediate


2025 Points Leaders

  1. Joe Schwenk 28
  2. Rex Bell 24
  3. Chris Lannoye 18
  4. Steve U. 15
  5. David Paukovitz 14
  6. Michael Culpepper 14

Recent Tuesday Freezeout Results

  • November 12th, 2024
  • 1st - Michael T.
  • 2nd - Toy S.
  • 3rd - Rex B.
  • 4th - Noel S. 
  • November 19th, 2024
  • 1st - Joe S.
  • 2nd - Toy S.
  • 3rd - Andrew S.
  • 4th - Steve U.

Coach's Corner

Ever wonder if you should get aggressive with your draw?  Maybe you should just come along with a call?  If you aren't getting pot odds, would a fold be best?


I'm not going to pretend that you are going to master playing on the come by watching this.  But if you find yourself too often wondering what the best course is, Mr. Little might be able to bring some clarity to us.


Level: Intermediate

Venmo Addresses


Michael Culpepper - @Michael-Culpepper-14

Joe Schwenk - @Joseph-Schwenk

Jonathan Ayala - @Jonathan-Ayala-55

Have any questions or feedback for this newsletter?  If so, please email me


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