We want your input!

March 5th, 2025 Newsletter

Put something in the suggestion box!

We want your input!

The time of the year is upon us for our club's annual meeting.  Don't worry, you can leave your tux in the closet.  As a matter of fact, you don't even need to rsvp.  Joe Schwenk, Jonathan Ayala, and I will take care of the meeting as we have the past couple years.

Let me give you an idea of how decisions are made in our club.  Think of me as the everyday manager.  If a decision has to be made such as cancelling a tournament, looking into a player concern, or deciding the WSOP prize pool makeup, I'm your guy.  However, I receive guidance on these decisions from Joe and Jonathan and primarily at this meeting.  They may tell me that our nightly payouts are too top heavy in their opinion or that they think late registration should be longer.  Then I go and fix it whatever we decide on for the next points year making decisions that align with the discussion at our meeting.

What I would like from you is to think about is how you think our club and/or our game can improve.  Any suggestions you give to me will be brought up at the meeting and will be talked through.  I can't promise any implementation but I can promise that your suggestion will be discussed.

I know we have a few changes coming our way in an effort to make this game we all love a little better.  So email me those suggestions and lets do it together!

Email me at MikieCulpepper@gmail.com or simply respond if you are receiving this newsletter by email.

Highlight Moment:

The first lady and I took a trip last week to San Antonio to do some hiking and card playing.  Decent hiking in San Antonio area is a thing of perspective.  It's leaps and bounds better than our Gulf Coast but pales in comparison to the parks out west.  It delivered 2 days of trails for us and we were very content.

As far as cards go, we went to the Lodge - San Antonio and S.A. Card House.  Both are large well run places with competent dealers and serve yourself coffee and soft drinks.  We were able to find a couple of modestly priced tournaments for mid week and we had a ton of fun.

Monday night found us at the Lodge at which I was at a table of relatively unskilled players.  Despite this, I got no traction and finished middle of the pack and well out of the money.  Adrienne reported better competition at her table but she suffered the same fate.

The next evening at the S.A. Card House, I multi tabled with our game on my phone and live on the felt in front of me.  I was devastated to bubble our game (thanks PaukošŸ¤®).  Despite this and tougher competition than we faced the previous night, we both managed to final table.  After an ICM chop, Adrienne took first and I took second place money.

I was able to sit across from her and watch her call a large bluff from a pretty good player with only ace high.  I couldn't have been more proud. Shared moments like that are what makes this game so much fun.   

Know a Game: Pot limit Omaha

Not a good Omaha hand.

Pot Limit Omaha (PLO) is a flop game that is known as a big bet game (along with NLH).  However, instead of no limit to the bets, the limit is "pot".  I won't go into the details of what a "pot" bet is but just know that it is sometimes much greater than what is currently in the middle.

Although you are dealt 4 cards in Omaha, exactly 2 are to be played when going to showdown along with 3 of the community cards.

Omaha probably is the closest overall game to NLH (except Limit Holdem of course) because it is a flop game and a "big bet" game.

Pot limit Omaha is easily found here in Texas at most any card room as a cash game.  Tournaments can be found at most large and small circuit series.

This week's Tip of the Cap goes to.... Andrew Schultz.  Andrew (on the right) binked a NLH tournament while on a Caribbean cruise.  It looks like he also met a friend.  What a game!

Follow results, get reminders of upcoming tournaments, and receive random poker news on Twitter by following me @FreezeoutPoker .  If you have a result you would like to share with the group or find yourself playing cards in a notable location, please tag us @FreezeoutPoker to share it with this group.

If you haven't tried the Zoom group hosted by points leader JerzeJoe, you need to give it a shot.  It's a load of fun and sometimes you can get an idea on what the other zoomers are thinking.  Any information is good information right?

The ZOOM password is 432777


2025 Points Leaders

  1. Rex Bell 33
  2. Joe Schwenk 28
  3. David Paukovitz 27
  4. Chris Lannoye 24
  5. Andrew Schultz 23
  6. Michael Culpepper 22
  7. Marty Kunz 21

Recent Results

  • February 25th, 2025
  • 1st - Chris L.
  • 2nd - Victor C.
  • 3rd - Dave P.
  • 4th - Stan B.
  • March 4th, 2025.
  • 1st - Marty K.
  • 2nd - Carlos P.
  • 3rd - Adrienne C.
  • 4th - Robert R.

Coach's Corner

Draws.  Be aggressive? Wait for it to hit? Find prayer?


What do you do when you have a draw?


Well now you can stop doing that and do the right thing.  Just let Jonathan explain and all you have to do is understand, implement, and maybe say a curse word or two.  


You got this!


Level: Intermediate


2025 Points Leaders

  1. Rex Bell 33
  2. Joe Schwenk 28
  3. David Paukovitz 27
  4. Chris Lannoye 24
  5. Andrew Schultz 23
  6. Michael Culpepper 22
  7. Marty Kunz 21

Recent Tuesday Freezeout Results

  • February 25th, 2025
  • 1st - Chris L.
  • 2nd - Victor C.
  • 3rd - Dave P.
  • 4th - Stan B.
  • March 4th, 2025.
  • 1st - Marty K.
  • 2nd - Carlos P.
  • 3rd - Adrienne C.
  • 4th - Robert R.

Coach's Corner

Draws.  Be aggressive? Wait for it to hit? Find prayer?


What do you do when you have a draw?


Well now you can stop doing that and do the right thing.  Just let Jonathan explain and all you have to do is understand, implement, and maybe say a curse word or two.  


You got this!


Level: Intermediate

Venmo Addresses


Michael Culpepper - @Michael-Culpepper-14

Joe Schwenk - @Joseph-Schwenk

Jonathan Ayala - @Jonathan-Ayala-55

Have any questions or feedback for this newsletter?  If so, please email me


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