2025 WSOP Prize Allotments

February 4th, 2025 Newsletter

Drum Roll......

Bad news, Good news, Great news!

The WSOP points race is officially coming down the stretch with a host of players that could end up with this year's trophy and any associated prize (more on that below).

I really can't say enough about how impressed I am with some of these players.  Players like Rex Bell and Andrew Schultz have really improved their game and it is obvious they are locked in and feeling the pressure of the race. 

To me, this is what poker is all about.  To take a $25 and have everyone play their very best through the entire tournament has me on the edge of my seat and watching the matches long after I have busted out.  

That said, there will be glory and there will be the vanquished.  And to the victor(s) go the spoils.  Lets see what type of spoils we will have in the cupboard this year....

The "bad" news (if you can even label it as such) is that we will only have one WSOP trip package.  We got very close to me being comfortable sending 2 of our players on full packages but 2025 just isn't the year.  I feel confident that as our group continues to grow, we will be able to achieve this goal.

As was announced at the beginning of the year, we will have our $500 cash drawing that is points weighted so that each point gets you an entry into the drawing.  1st and 2nd place will NOT be eligible for the $500 drawing.

The "good" news is that we will once again be making a compromise to two WSOP prizes and will be paying the 2nd place player cash money with ZERO strings attached.  This year 2nd place will take home $900 in cash.

That 2nd place money and the points based drawing should have us ALL motivated to play our guts out these last 3 months.  

The "great" news is that our club is growing.  More than that, it is growing organically with good people who seem to care about getting better at this game we all love.  The future is bright.  Which leads me to......

The 2025 WSOP points race will end after the tournament on April 29th, 2025.  The winner will be awarded a WSOP package estimated at over $4000.  The official dollar amount will be figured by the money pool minus the $900 for 2nd and the $500 for the drawing.  

The winner will be required to spend at least $2000 on bracelet events at the 2025 WSOP in Las Vegas.  This will allow the remaining $2000+ to be spent on airfare, lodging, and food.  Receipts for the buyins will be posted to the group social media so we can all sweat our horse.  Any money shy of the $2000 requirement will be returned to the group and put in the 2026 WSOP prize pool.

Fine Print: The remaining $2000+ to be spent on airfare, lodging, and food.  Receipts for the buyins will be posted to the group social media so we can all sweat our horse.  Any money shy of the $2000 spend requirement will be returned to the group and put in the 2026 WSOP prize pool.

Know a Game: 7 Card Stud

Once upon a time, this was the most popular form of poker.  Stud doesn't have blinds or community cards.  Each player is dealt two cards down and one card up.  Whoever's "up" card is the lowest is responsible for the "bring in".  This is a small forced ante.  From there the play goes clockwise around the table.  After each betting round, each player is dealt an additional card.  Without a set position, each new hand brings an equal expectation as opposed to the flop games that value the button.  Whoever can showdown the best 5 cards amongst their eventual 7 wins the pot.  Stud is a limit bet game with 3rd street and 4th street being small bet and 5th through 7th being big bets.  Cards 4-6 are dealt face up with the 7th being dealt face down.  Stud lost favor among players because it can be mastered and is more of a skill based game than the flop games which throw a bone to the bad money more often.  The reason it is more skill based is because of the extra betting round.  You can still find stud spread at the WSOP and regularly in Atlantic City.

This week's Tip of the Cap goes to.... our points leader, Rex Bell.  We all hope to see you back on the electric felt again soon Rex!  Wreck it Rex!

Follow results, get reminders of upcoming tournaments, and receive random poker news on Twitter by following me @FreezeoutPoker .  If you have a result you would like to share with the group or find yourself playing cards in a notable location, please tag us @FreezeoutPoker to share it with this group.

If you haven't tried the Zoom group hosted by points leader JerzeJoe, you need to give it a shot.  It's a load of fun and sometimes you can get an idea on what the other zoomers are thinking.  Any information is good information right?

The ZOOM password is 432777


2025 Points Leaders

  1. Rex Bell 33
  2. Joe Schwenk 28
  3. David Paukovitz 25
  4. Andrew Schultz 23
  5. Michael Culpepper 22
  6. Chris Lannoye 20
  7. Steve Usseler 19
  8. Marty Kunz 17
  9. Toy 17

Recent Results

  • January 28th, 2025
  • 1st - Mikie C.
  • 2nd - Dave P.
  • 3rd - Andrew S.
  • 4th - Robert R.
  • February 4th, 2025.
  • 1st - Adrienne C.
  • 2nd - Victor
  • 3rd - Jeff J.
  • 4th - Joey S.

Coach's Corner

Let's get back to basics this week and learn how we begin to define poker ranges and what they (should) mean to us.


If you seem to get out kicked often, for the love of poker, watch this one and build on it!


Level: Beginner


2025 Points Leaders

  1. Rex Bell 33
  2. Joe Schwenk 28
  3. David Paukovitz 25
  4. Andrew Schultz 23
  5. Michael Culpepper 22
  6. Chris Lannoye 20
  7. Steve Usseler 19
  8. Marty Kunz 17
  9. Toy 17

Recent Tuesday Freezeout Results

  • January 28th, 2025
  • 1st - Mikie C.
  • 2nd - Dave P.
  • 3rd - Andrew S.
  • 4th - Robert R.
  • February 4th, 2025.
  • 1st - Adrienne C.
  • 2nd - Victor
  • 3rd - Jeff J.
  • 4th - Joey S.

Coach's Corner

Let's get back to basics this week and learn how we begin to define poker ranges and what they (should) mean to us.


If you seem to get out kicked often, for the love of poker, watch this one and build on it!


Level: Beginner

Venmo Addresses


Michael Culpepper - @Michael-Culpepper-14

Joe Schwenk - @Joseph-Schwenk

Jonathan Ayala - @Jonathan-Ayala-55

Have any questions or feedback for this newsletter?  If so, please email me


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