What in the word... Risk Premium
January 22nd, 2025 Newsletter
Know a Game: Omaha Hi-Lo (8 or better)
This is the poker player's poker game. Omaha Hi - Lo or Omaha 8 or better is a split pot flop game played with betting limits. It is played with 4 hole cards of which exactly two are to be used with exactly three of the board cards. Winning the high and the low is known as a scoop. If there is not a qualifying low (remember that there has to be at least 3 cards on the community board lower than 8 for a low to qualify), the entire pot is awarded to the high hand. The "wheel" is the nut low as straights and flushes don't count against a low made hand.
What in the word...? Risk Premium

Essentially, be careful.
Risk Premium sounds like some insurance jargon - I know. Sadly the definition as it relates to poker isn't much more exciting to learn.
However, if you run deep (or hope to) in tournament poker, you really need to learn what this is, how to use it in your favor, and how to recognize if your opponent isn't aware of the concept.
As we learned when we talked about ICM, the chips on the "bottom" of your stack or your last chips are more valuable that those on top of a big stack. This is to say that calling a 3bb bet is much more trivial when you are working off a 100 bb stack than when you have a 30 bb stack. This clear example should show you that your last 10 bb is more important that the 10 bbs off the top of a 100 bb stack.
Risk premium is the concept that to protect those last "most valuable" chips, your going to need a very good reason to take on risks. Essentially, your opening ranges need to tighten up along with your calling and 3 betting ranges. Additionally, your 3! sizing should be smaller to protect your stack and tournament life.
If you see your opponents not taking into account this risk premium.... great! When you see another opponent on a 15 bb stack show down a QJ offsuit in the LJ after calling a raise from UTG on the money bubble, you know this opponent isn't paying attention to icm or risk premium. Sit tight and you will be rewarded when he suddenly looks down and says "where did all my chips go" as you slide into the money with 2 bb.
I am not an expert on much of anything but I do know enough to listen to Dara O'Kearney on subjects like this. Check out the coach's corner for a video of Him and Barry breaking down a ICM hand.
On February 5th, I will be announcing the annual prizes for the points race and how they will be allocated. Stay tuned to find out exactly what you are fighting for and what you need to do to get there!
This week's Tip of the Cap goes to.... Joe making the top 1/3 in his annual tournament of champions freeroll at his local casino. He fell short of the money but made a deep run none the less. Great job Joe. Start working on next year's TOC!
Follow results, get reminders of upcoming tournaments, and receive random poker news on Twitter by following me @FreezeoutPoker . If you have a result you would like to share with the group or find yourself playing cards in a notable location, please tag us @FreezeoutPoker to share it with this group.
If you haven't tried the Zoom group hosted by points leader JerzeJoe, you need to give it a shot. It's a load of fun and sometimes you can get an idea on what the other zoomers are thinking. Any information is good information right?
The ZOOM password is 432777
2025 Points Leaders
- Rex Bell 33
- Joe Schwenk 28
- David Paukovitz 22
- Andrew Schultz 21
- Chris Lannoye 20
- Steve Usseler 19
- Michael Culpepper 18
- Marty Kunz 17
- Toy 17
Recent Results
- January 14th, 2025
- 1st - Andrew S.
- 2nd - Toy.
- 3rd - Rey M.
- 4th - Brenda A
- January, 21st, 2025.
- 1st - Dave P.
- 2nd - Brian G.
- 3rd - David M.
- 4th - Rex B.
2025 Points Leaders
- Rex Bell 33
- Joe Schwenk 28
- David Paukovitz 22
- Andrew Schultz 21
- Chris Lannoye 20
- Steve Usseler 19
- Michael Culpepper 18
- Marty Kunz 17
- Toy 17
Recent Tuesday Freezeout Results
- January 14th, 2025
- 1st - Andrew S.
- 2nd - Toy.
- 3rd - Rey M.
- 4th - Brenda A
- January, 21st, 2025.
- 1st - Dave P.
- 2nd - Brian G.
- 3rd - David M.
- 4th - Rex B.
Coach's Corner
Dara O'Kearney and Barry break down a hand that involves risk premium. As a bonus, there is a lot of real time solver work using GTO Wizard. If you are interested in solver work, start here and get familiar.
Level: Advanced
Venmo Addresses
Michael Culpepper - @Michael-Culpepper-14
Joe Schwenk - @Joseph-Schwenk
Jonathan Ayala - @Jonathan-Ayala-55
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