
We want your input!

March 5th, 2025 Newsletter Put something in the suggestion box! We want your input! The time of the year is upon us for our club's annual meeting.  Don't worry, you can leave your tux in the closet.  As a matter of fact, you don't even need to rsvp.  Joe Schwenk, Jonathan Ayala, and I will take care of the meeting as we have the past couple years. Let me give you an idea of how decisions are made in our club.  Think of me as the everyday manager.  If a decision has to be made such as cancelling a tournament, looking into a player concern, or deciding the WSOP prize pool makeup, I'm your guy.  However, I receive guidance on these decisions from Joe and Jonathan and primarily at this meeting.  They may tell me that our nightly payouts are too top heav...

WSOP summer schedule announced...

February 19th, 2025 Newsletter Summer Fun!...... The World Series of Poker has released its full summer bracelet schedule.  You can find a link here : I know some of us are going to be out there this summer and hope that, if our schedules line up, we will be able to meet up, hang out, and maybe play some cards together.  The First Lady and I will definitely be there in mid June for the Seniors tournament as I will be eligible for the first time.  Let me know if you have plans of going and I can post a master list and players can meet up when available. Even if you aren't going to the WSOP this year, take a look at the schedule.  What event would you be interested if you were to win the seat in next year's points race?  What do you think you should w...

2025 WSOP Prize Allotments

February 4th, 2025 Newsletter Drum Roll...... Bad news, Good news, Great news! The WSOP points race is officially coming down the stretch with a host of players that could end up with this year's trophy and any associated prize (more on that below). I really can't say enough about how impressed I am with some of these players.  Players like Rex Bell and Andrew Schultz have really improved their game and it is obvious they are locked in and feeling the pressure of the race.  To me, this is what poker is all about.  To take a $25 and have everyone play their very best through the entire tournament has me on the edge of my seat and watching the matches long after I have busted out.   That said, there will be glory...