What Do You WANT?!?
Feb 1st, 2024 Newsletter
Cold Deck Quote:
"Is it not possible to touch a gaming table without being instantly infected by superstition?" - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The News... We want to hear from you!

Even if you're a rotten pumpkin.
Now that the cat is out of the bag on what we are racing for with the prize pool and how important the points will be down the stretch. We want to ask you what we can do to improve for next year.
Some questions that we would like your input on include:
Do you like the buyin amount of $25 or would you have more fun at a slightly higher buyin?
Do you like the amounts that are paid for the weekly prize pool? What can we do to improve?
I doubt anyone enjoys the points race more than me but let me know if there is a spot for improvement here. Should the point allocation be more spread to give more points outside the top 3? Should first get more than 1 point more than second?
When and if you tell someone about our game in an effort to recruit, do you find it confusing to explain? I have made a page on the blog called "Joining the game." that may be helpful with this. I am also attaching a qr code to this email. If you save it to your phone, you can have the recruit scan it to take them to the blog for more info. What else can we do to recruit more responsible players?
Do you enjoy reading this? What would you like to hear more of and what part is stale?
This is your poker club too and we like doing our part to help you have a great experience. The only way we can know what you want is to hear it from you though. Please email me at mikieculpepper@gmail.com and I will forward and discuss with Joe Schwenk and Jonathan Ayala to see if a change can and should be made for next year.
This week's Tip of the Cap goes to.... Moody Freunberg for charging into the top 7 in the points standing. The sweat running down my face is real people!
Zoom with Joe! Joe hosts a free zoom meetup during our Tuesday Freezeout games. Give it a try if that sounds like fun.
The ZOOM password is 432777
2023-2024 Points Leaders
- Michael Culpepper 29
- Joe Schwenk 22
- Rey Martinez 19
- Marty Kunz 19
- Stan Blazyk 17
- Adrienne Culpepper 16
- Tommy Harken 15
- Moody Freunberg 14
Recent Results
- February 6th, 2024
- 1st - Ryan C
- 2nd - Tommy H.
- 3rd - Joe
- February 13th, 2024
- 1st - Moody
- 2nd - Marty
- 3rd - Adrienne
2023-2024 Points Leaders
- Michael Culpepper 29
- Joe Schwenk 22
- Rey Martinez 19
- Marty Kunz 19
- Stan Blazyk 17
- Adrienne Culpepper 16
- Tommy Harken 15
- Moody Freunberg 14
Recent Tuesday Freezeout Results
- February 6th, 2024
- 1st - Ryan C
- 2nd - Tommy H.
- 3rd - Joe
- February 13th, 2024
- 1st - Moody
- 2nd - Marty
- 3rd - Adrienne
Coach's Corner
Here is a quick hit on tournament bubble play featuring Daniel explaining how to play the bubble with different stack sizes and who who engage and who to steer clear of. Enjoy
Level: intermediate.
Venmo Addresses
Michael Culpepper - @Michael-Culpepper-14
Joe Schwenk - @Joseph-Schwenk
Jonathan Ayala - @Jonathan-Ayala-55
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