2024 WSOP Prize Pool Allocation

Feb 1st, 2024 Newsletter

Cold Deck Quote:

"Depend on the rabbit's foot if you will.  But remember, it didn't work for the rabbit." - R.E. Shay

The News...  WSOP prize pool allocation:

Do not covet thy neighbors points.  - 3rd commandment of the Tuesday Freezeouts.

The time has come to let everyone in on final word for the prize pool distribution of the 2024 WSOP points race which wraps up after the tournament of April 30th, 2024.

First, let me say that I really wanted to be able to have 2 players be able to go to Vegas for this year's WSOP.  Unfortunately, we didn't quite hit the numbers I deemed necessary to comfortably send 2 players.  Last year, we were able to send Joe with a little over $3000 of which he was to spend $2000 on bracelet events.  That left $1000 for airfare and lodging which he says was just enough to include his meals and a few extra bucks.  Sending a second player is very high on my wish list for the 2025 race.  We simply need more players and weekly participation.

Enough of the moaning and groaning though.  I am very excited to let you all know that there will be a couple additional bells and whistles coming out of this pool.

Firstly, as promised, we will have a drawing for $500 cash "no strings attached" in early May.  Every point equals to one entry into this drawing.  So a person with 5 points for the year (May 23  - April 24) will have 5 entries into the drawing.  The winner of the points race and the second place winner (more on this below) will not be eligible for this $500 drawing.  So that means that each point you have is that much more valuable as the two players with the most points will not be eligible!  So even more reason to show up each week to battle.

Secondly, as alluded to, there will be a prize for second place.  The player in second will be awarded $750 cash with no strings attached.

The winner of the WSOP points race will take the total minus $1250 that has been allocated to the other prizes to Las Vegas.  This player will be required to spend $2000 on WSOP bracelet event buyin(s).  Any difference in amount less than $2000 will be refunded and put towards next year's prize pool.  

2 Examples:

Player wins the points race and goes to Vegas and buys into a $1,800 tournament but doesn't want to spend any of his own funds on entering another tournament.  This player must reimburse the group $200 towards the 2025 prize pool.

Player wins the points race and goes to Vegas and buys into a $1k, runs deep and doesn't get a chance to enter another event, she must refund $1k to the group for next years pool.

See the fine print below for settling ties....

If there is a tie for the points winner, there will not be a $750 prize for second.  Rather, the $750 will be added to the winner pool so a suitable solution can be determined.  The two players will then meet with me to resolve the matter.  In ALL instances, at least one player will be going to the WSOP to play in a bracelet event.

We will first discuss whether both players would and can make the trip to Vegas and whether they could supplement their trips with their own funds.  If this is the case, the $2k mandatory spend on events may be lessened.  

If one player is interested in "buying out" the other, and the player being bought out is agreeable, this negotiation is possible.

If both players want to go and both want the prize pool and no other solution is agreed upon, I (Michael Culpepper) will propose a few equal value solutions.  If these are not agreed to, we will flip a coin for the entire prize pool.

In the case that there is a tie up top, the second place announcement and the drawing will be delayed until the WSOP trip is settled. 

There will not be a negotiation or buyout discussion between players that are not tied.  The point total is supreme. 

If there is a tie for second place, the players will split the $750 and have an equal share of their points be eligible for the $500 drawing.  For example, if there is a 2 way tie, each player will collect half of the $750 plus half of their points (round down to whole number) will be eligible for the $500 drawing,  If there is a 3 way tie, each player will collect a third of the $750 and 2/3 of their points (rounding down to whole number) will be eligible for the $500 drawing.

This week's Tip of the Cap goes to.... Rey Martinez.  Rey has really been up and coming in our game and on the points leader board.  His win on Tuesday puts him in third place and within striking distance of the leader.

Zoom with Joe!  Joe hosts a free zoom meetup during our Tuesday Freezeout games.  Give it a try if that sounds like fun.

The ZOOM password is 432777


2023-2024 Points Leaders

  1. Michael Culpepper 29
  2. Joe Schwenk 21
  3. Rey Martinez 19
  4. Marty Kunz 17
  5. Stan Blazyk 17
  6. Adrienne Culpepper 15
  7. Tommy Harken 13
  8. Moody Freunberg 11
  9. Brenda Ayala 11

Recent Results

  • January 23th, 2024
  • 1st - Joey S.
  • 2nd - Moody
  • 3rd - Brenda
  • January 30th, 2024
  • 1st - Rey
  • 2nd - Noel
  • 3rd - Adrienne

Coach's Corner

Short handed play and the adjustments we should make could fill books.  Here at the coaches corner, we give you 3 minutes of content.  


Seriously though, you should spend some time thinking about how your opening and 3 betting ranges change when you are short handed.  Not only for the final table finale, but also 5 handed before we get to the final table.  Enjoy.


Level: intermediate.

Recent Results


2023-2024 Points Leaders

  1. Michael Culpepper 29
  2. Joe Schwenk 21
  3. Rey Martinez 19
  4. Marty Kunz 17
  5. Stan Blazyk 17
  6. Adrienne Culpepper 15
  7. Tommy Harken 13
  8. Moody Freunberg 11
  9. Brenda Ayala 11

Recent Tuesday Freezeout Results

  • January 23th, 2024
  • 1st - Joey S.
  • 2nd - Moody
  • 3rd - Brenda
  • January 30th, 2024
  • 1st - Rey
  • 2nd - Noel
  • 3rd - Adrienne

Coach's Corner

Short handed play and the adjustments we should make could fill books.  Here at the coaches corner, we give you 3 minutes of content.  


Seriously though, you should spend some time thinking about how your opening and 3 betting ranges change when you are short handed.  Not only for the final table finale, but also 5 handed before we get to the final table.  Enjoy.


Level: intermediate.

Venmo Addresses


Michael Culpepper - @Michael-Culpepper-14

Joe Schwenk - @Joseph-Schwenk

Jonathan Ayala - @Jonathan-Ayala-55

Have any questions or feedback for this newsletter?  If so, please email me


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