
Showing posts from February, 2024

What Do You WANT?!?

Feb 1st, 2024 Newsletter Cold Deck Quote: "Is it not possible to touch a gaming table without being instantly infected by superstition?" - Fyodor Dostoyevsky The News...  We want to hear from you! Even if you're a rotten pumpkin. Now that the cat is out of the bag on what we are racing for with the prize pool and how important the points will be down the stretch.  We want to ask you what we can do to improve for next year. Some questions that we would like your input on include: Do you like the buyin amount of $25 or would you have more fun at a slightly higher buyin? Do you like the amounts that are paid for the weekly prize pool

2024 WSOP Prize Pool Allocation

Feb 1st, 2024 Newsletter Cold Deck Quote: "Depend on the rabbit's foot if you will.  But remember, it didn't work for the rabbit." - R.E. Shay The News...  WSOP prize pool allocation: Do not covet thy neighbors points.  - 3rd commandment of the Tuesday Freezeouts. The time has come to let everyone in on final word for the prize pool distribution of the 2024 WSOP points race which wraps up after the tournament of April 30th, 2024. First, let me say that I really wanted to be able to have 2 players be able to go to Vegas for this year's WSOP.  Unfortunately, we didn't quite hit the numbers I deemed necessary to comfortably send 2 players.  Last year, we were able to