We will be missing you Counselor.

Jan 24th, 2024 Newsletter

Cold Deck Quote:

"The only bad luck for a good gambler is bad health.  Any other setbacks are temporary aggravation." - Benny Binion

The News...  R.I.P. - Bob Bates

Bob Bates catching fish like he caught cards.

We lost a good one earlier this month in Counselor Bob Bates on January 11th.  Although Bob wasn't involved with our weekly game, (Lord knows Adrienne tried but the MAC computer gods were too tough for us!) but I know many of you played with Bob over the years at Vault, CCC, and the VFW.  Adrienne and I had the mantra "Don't bluff Bob." before every session.  It's amazing that it needed repeating but it did.  We were fortunate enough to go fishing with Bob last summer on his boat and to listen to Bob tell a story was a true treat of this life.  We will miss you buddy!

This week's Tip of the Cap goes to..... ME!  I placed 7th in the $260 5pm at the Wynn on Jan 14th.  This is my very first Hendon Mob entry so I am relieved to have that goal accomplished and in the rear view.

The next newsletter will have set in stone WSOP prize pool allocations, qualifications, and amounts..... stay tuned!

Also, I know that the points total page gets wonky sometimes with players down the list having more points than some above.  This is because the editing software will only let me upload a certain number of times for free.  I do my best to make it correct each week but I can't add new names or put them in order.  Thanks for your understanding.

Zoom with Joe!  Joe hosts a free zoom meetup during our Tuesday Freezeout games.  Give it a try if that sounds like fun.

The ZOOM password is 432777


2023-2024 Points Leaders

  1. Michael Culpepper 29
  2. Joe Schwenk 21
  3. Marty Kunz 17
  4. Stan Blazyk 17
  5. Rey Martinez 16
  6. Adrienne Culpepper 14
  7. Tommy Harken 13
  8. Moody Fredenberg 11
  9. Brenda Ayala 11

Recent Results

  • January 9th, 2024
  • 1st - Andrew
  • 2nd - Rey
  • 3rd - Brenda
  • January 16th, 2024
  • 1st - Stan
  • 2nd - Noel
  • 3rd - Margaret
  • January 16th, 2024
  • 1st - Joey S.
  • 2nd - Moody
  • 3rd - Brenda

Coach's Corner

Have you ever felt "I have no idea what I am doing anymore." or "I am the next poker god!".   Well good news / bad news, you are probably wrong with both statements.


We all have our ups and downs with the mental game of poker.  


Top dog Fedor Holz is going to break down some of pokers mental game and the mindset that is likely your best bet when it comes to how you approach the game.  


The more serious you take the game, the more this video is for you.


Level: all levels.

Recent Results


2023-2024 Points Leaders

  1. Michael Culpepper 29
  2. Joe Schwenk 21
  3. Marty Kunz 17
  4. Stan Blazyk 17
  5. Rey Martinez 16
  6. Adrienne Culpepper 14
  7. Tommy Harken 13
  8. Moody Fredenberg 11
  9. Brenda Ayala 11

Recent Tuesday Freezeout Results

  • January 9th, 2024
  • 1st - Andrew
  • 2nd - Rey
  • 3rd - Brenda
  • January 16th, 2024
  • 1st - Stan
  • 2nd - Noel
  • 3rd - Margaret
  • January 16th, 2024
  • 1st - Joey S.
  • 2nd - Moody
  • 3rd - Brenda

Coach's Corner

Have you ever felt "I have no idea what I am doing anymore." or "I am the next poker god!".   Well good news / bad news, you are probably wrong with both statements.


We all have our ups and downs with the mental game of poker.  


Top dog Fedor Holz is going to break down some of pokers mental game and the mindset that is likely your best bet when it comes to how you approach the game.  


The more serious you take the game, the more this video is for you.


Level: all levels.

Venmo Addresses


Michael Culpepper - @Michael-Culpepper-14

Joe Schwenk - @Joseph-Schwenk

Jonathan Ayala - @Jonathan-Ayala-55

Have any questions or feedback for this newsletter?  If so, please email me


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