Mark it down..... this guy is good.
October 3rd, 2023 Newsletter
Cold Deck Quote:
"Poker is 100% skill.... and 50% luck." - Phil Hellmuth
The News...
Origin Story: Mark Dabao

- If this guys comes and sits at your table, it might be a good time to go on dinner break
Mark Dabao
Me: Mark, Everyone I ask this question has the same answer (Moneymaker). I'm so happy to be asking someone who is young enough to have a different answer! When and how did you get into poker?
Mark: HAHA well i got into poker around 2015 – 2016. The venue was an apartment back when i worked at Schlitterbahn. Played a $5 buyin tournament. I ran for 4 hours and made $40. I have been hooked since.
Me: Everyone has their own motivation. Some play cards for money. Some play for the sense of competition. Some play to get out of the house and socialize. For most of us, it is a combination of these (and perhaps other) things. What's your primary motivation for playing poker?
Mark: Well at first i use to play so i could take my ex out on more dates. As I went along, it became a second income stream to help pay off college or my camaro. Now I play to make money. I invest my winnings into numerous things including the stock market or pokemon cards. My goal is making my money work while i sleep. As little as I get to anyhow! 🤣
Me: I admire that you always seem to keep a level head at the table. Whether you are stacking someone or you were just dealt a bad beat, you keep your cool and maintain control. How did you come to this calm state of peace with the radical outcomes that poker brings? Is that something you have worked on or does it come natural?
Mark: I use to be a very angry human being back in the day. But after a few life lessons I've worked on being more level headed. I've played so much that it feels like I have seen it all. Whether its a one outer coming out or someone calling 3 streets with bottom pair, I have learned to accept the consequences because going on tilt means I lost myself in a game that i truly enjoy. Plus I've seen the worst in people from tilt and never want to be like them. It's just not good for the game.
Me: I know you have been working on your PLO game. What advice (besides "don't do it") would you give to someone who wants to learn more about PLO? What has helped you study and learn the game?
Mark: The very best advice is to learn BANK ROLL MANAGMENT! The level of variance in PLO means it has a lot of swings but when your on the right side of it, you are living! A buddy and I study a course on PLO master minds and have taken most of that content to the tables. It's no secret that Omaha is hot in Houston and if you like making money now is a perfect time to try and capitalize before the barrel runs out.
Me: I have a lot of respect for your game as most thinking players do. However, we all have a gap or two (or a hundred) in our game. What would you consider your biggest gap or weakness when it comes to NLH? It can be a spot (when to check raise a small board after a cbet), sizing, table / game selection, mental part of the game. Anything. Just let us know what you are less good at so we can exploit that! 😃
Mark: Well i would say when i playing these smaller stake local tournaments, I am really there for the atmospere and the genuine friendships I have built over the years. I would say my weakness at the bigger tournaments i have played is not being that great at being polarized on the 2nd day. Its hard to run deep at a big tournament and winning your races is key to this so running out of luck or not stealing enough big blinds to keep you a float has set back my game at times.
Me: What does the future hold for Mr. Dabao when it comes to poker? You are a young man with a good job. Is this a side hustle? or would you like to work your way up?
Mark: The dream was always to win big and retire. Then perhaps transition into full time poker or owning a business of my own. For now its a side hustle that helps fund my other side hustles! lol
This week's Tip of the Cap to goes to those of you out there that are recruiting new players. Welcome to the poker club Ken and Jeff!
Next Meetup Live Game 11.6.23. 6:30 at the VFW
Zoom with Joe! Joe hosts a free zoom meetup during our Tuesday Freezeout games. Give it a try if that sounds like fun.
The ZOOM password is 432777
2023-2024 Points Leaders
- Michael Culpepper 18
- Marty Kunz 15
- Adrienne Culpepper 12
- Rey Martinez 10
- Efren Hinojosa 9
- Tommy Harken 9
- Stan Blazyk 8
- Joe Schwenk 7
- Brenda Ayala 7
Recent Results
- September 26th, 2023
- 1st - Moody
- 2nd - Marty
- 3rd - Rey
- October 3rd, 2023
- 1st - Mikie C.
- 2nd - Adrienne C.
- 3rd - Brenda A.
Coach's Corner
This scenario doesn't come up very frequently in the tournaments we play. However, it can be a bit daunting to know what kind of range to continue with when it folds to you in the small blind.
Matt Affleck, as always, has your back and goes through this scenario bit by bit discussing your opponent in the big blind tendencies, the value of limping, and what kind of range you should bring in a raise with.
- advanced - but even if you can absorb 20% of this, it will help your game in these spots tremendously.
Recent Results

2023-2024 Points Leaders
- Michael Culpepper 18
- Marty Kunz 15
- Adrienne Culpepper 12
- Rey Martinez 10
- Efren Hinojosa 9
- Tommy Harken 9
- Stan Blazyk 8
- Joe Schwenk 7
- Brenda Ayala 7
Recent Tuesday Freezeout Results
- September 26th, 2023
- 1st - Moody
- 2nd - Marty
- 3rd - Rey
- October 3rd, 2023
- 1st - Mikie C.
- 2nd - Adrienne C.
- 3rd - Brenda A.
Coach's Corner
This scenario doesn't come up very frequently in the tournaments we play. However, it can be a bit daunting to know what kind of range to continue with when it folds to you in the small blind.
Matt Affleck, as always, has your back and goes through this scenario bit by bit discussing your opponent in the big blind tendencies, the value of limping, and what kind of range you should bring in a raise with.
- advanced - but even if you can absorb 20% of this, it will help your game in these spots tremendously.
Venmo Addresses
Michael Culpepper - @Michael-Culpepper-14
Joe Schwenk - @Joseph-Schwenk
Jonathan Ayala - @Jonathan-Ayala-55
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