The Origin of our Poker Players

August, 16, 2023 Newsletter

Quintessential Quote:

"Fold and live to fold again." - Stu Ungar

The News...

Origin Stories Coming soon.

I was speaking with one of our members at the Monday VFW poker tournament and realized that there was a lot I didn't know about this person.  As I was learning a lot of interesting things, I started thinking about all that I don't know about the rest of you fine folks. 

So I decided to do a poker origin story on a different member each month. 

I will be asking questions of one of you each month whether in person or via email or phone.  Don't worry, I'll keep it mostly about poker.  I think we are interested in how you came to find the game, what your motivations for playing are, where you hope poker takes you, and what and if you study just to name a few things.

So don't be surprised if you get an email from me or I pull you aside for a few questions in the coming months and years.  Don't sweat it too much, I doubt many people read this anyhow.

Poker High.

One of the things that motivate me in a poker tournament is the idea that I can make the best decision possible to give myself a chance to win.  

Of course, we can't always "know" that we made the correct decision.  But after playing for a couple decades, we get a feel for when we made a good move even if others are critical of it.

As an example, last Thursday I was doing well with about 100 big blinds.  I was dealt pocket queens and 3 bet to 20 big blinds after the UTG player open raised the minimum amount.  The opponent to my left, a good TAG (Tight Aggressive) player to my immediate left (who was also doing quite well) 4 bet me all in.  It folded around to me.  After tanking a bit, I was able to fold my QQ preflop.  While this isn't a hand I would typically fold in this spot, It brought me a really good feeling, motivated me through the rest of the week.

I have won a couple tournaments this week but this fold is number 1 on my highlight reel!

My point is, find out what your motivations are. For some it is money, for some it may be winning, for others maybe spending time socializing.  Play in a way that leaves you feeling that you did your best to fulfill those motivations.  

Joe will be running the game on Tuesday.

Adrienne and I will miss the Tuesday game.  So please send your buyin to Joe - @Joseph-Schwenk . 

With some tongue and more cheek, I would also let you know that this also means that the top of the leaderboard will not be playing.  This may be a good time to play catchup on the points leaderboard!  Best of luck to all of you!  Check out the current leaderboard below:

Live Game 9.4.23 at 6:30

Please don't forget our monthly meet up game! We will be at the Galveston VFW for a 6:30 start time. 

Hope to see you all there. 

Zoom with Joe!  Joe hosts a free zoom meetup during our Tuesday Freezeout games.  Give it a try if that sounds like fun.

The ZOOM password is 432777


2023-2024 Points Leaders

  1. Michael Culpepper 15
  2. Adrienne Culpepper 10
  3. Marty Kunz 9
  4. Efren Hinojosa 9
  5. Paula Towney 5
  6. Stan Blazyk 5
  7. Artie Brown 4
  8. Rey Martinez 4
  9. Tommy Harken 4
  10. Carlos Price 4

Recent Results

  • August 8th, 2023
  • 1st - Efren H.
  • 2nd - Mikie C.
  • 3rd - Mark Harken
  • August 15th, 2023
  • 1st - Mikie C
  • 2nd - Andrew
  • 3rd - Brian G

Coach's Corner

Two of the best coaches in the game go over 3 betting.  They include the when, the why, and the sizings and player profiles to look for as well.  If you don't have 10 minutes, skip the first 3 minutes.  Enjoy!


2023-2024 Points Leaders


Recent Tuesday Freezeout Results

  1. Michael Culpepper 15
  2. Adrienne Culpepper 10
  3. Marty Kunz 9
  4. Efren Hinojosa 9
  5. Paula Towney 5
  6. Stan Blazyk 5
  7. Artie Brown 4
  8. Rey Martinez 4
  9. Tommy Harken 4
  10. Carlos Price 4
  • August 8th, 2023
  • 1st - Efren H.
  • 2nd - Mikie C.
  • 3rd - Mark Harken
  • August 15th, 2023
  • 1st - Mikie C
  • 2nd - Andrew
  • 3rd - Brian G

Coach's Corner

Two of the best coaches in the game go over 3 betting.  They include the when, the why, and the sizings and player profiles to look for as well.  If you don't have 10 minutes, skip the first 3 minutes.

Venmo Addresses


Michael Culpepper - @Michael-Culpepper-14

Joe Schwenk - @Joseph-Schwenk

Jonathan Ayala - @Jonathan-Ayala-55

Have any questions or feedback for this newsletter?  If so, please email me


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