May Newsletter

May Newsletter

The News....

A huge congratulations to this guy.  Joe Schwenk (aka Jerze Joe) kicked all our butts and now will be going out to Las Vegas to kick some more at this year's WSOP!  Joe dragged a prize of $3040 of which $1500 will be spent on entry fees for bracelet event(s).  

We will keep everyone updated via this newsletter on what tournaments to watch his name in as well as chip counts via our facebook page.

What's New?.... Points Restart!

While we cheer Joe on, (and some of us cry a bit), it is a great time to focus on the points restart coming this Tuesday, May 2nd.  Last year's race spanned only 8 months.  This year, we are putting in a full 12 so expect the 2024 prize to be bigger yet.  Add to this that we are implementing a secondary prize of $500 that anyone with at least one point has a chance to win, and there are plenty of good reasons to try to play on as many Tuesdays as possible.  More details to come but I am excited.  For instructions on joining the Tuesday game, click on the link below and I will send you detailed instructions.


2023-2024 POINTS RACE



Wonder when you should and shouldn't be putting in a continuation bet (cbet)?  Jonathan Little does and he gives us some clues here.

Have any questions or feedback for this newsletter?  If so, email me


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