
Showing posts from March, 2025

We want your input!

March 5th, 2025 Newsletter Put something in the suggestion box! We want your input! The time of the year is upon us for our club's annual meeting.  Don't worry, you can leave your tux in the closet.  As a matter of fact, you don't even need to rsvp.  Joe Schwenk, Jonathan Ayala, and I will take care of the meeting as we have the past couple years. Let me give you an idea of how decisions are made in our club.  Think of me as the everyday manager.  If a decision has to be made such as cancelling a tournament, looking into a player concern, or deciding the WSOP prize pool makeup, I'm your guy.  However, I receive guidance on these decisions from Joe and Jonathan and primarily at this meeting.  They may tell me that our nightly payouts are too top heav...