
Showing posts from May, 2024

Positional Advantage

May 22nd, 2024 Newsletter Cold Deck Quote: "Baseball is like a poker game.  Nobody wants to quit when he is losing; nobody wants you to quit when you are ahead."    - Jackie Robinson What in the Word...?   ...Positions  Chart of the positions and their respective nicknames. We all, hopefully, know the power and importance of playing from position.  Our position, and that of our opponent, dictates our range, bet sizing, and polarization opportunity. However, today we are going to go over the names of the positions themselves.  By knowing these names (or nicknames), you will have a lot easier time talking hands with friends or coaches an

$500 drawing. The winner is.......

May 8th, 2024 Newsletter Cold Deck Quote: "Trust everyone.  But always cut the cards."    - Benny Binion The News...  Jeff Johnson wins the $500 drawing. He looks like he already knows where he will spend it. Congratulations to Jeff Johnson (Stringer) for winning the $500 drawing.  He benefitted from having 11 entries representing his 11 points acquired through the year. We are, of course doing it again so mark your calendars for every Tuesday! What in the Word...?   Today lets discuss the term "3 Bet".  This compound of words leads a lot of beginner and intermediate players astray as to its meaning.