
Showing posts from January, 2024

We will be missing you Counselor.

Jan 24th, 2024 Newsletter Cold Deck Quote: "The only bad luck for a good gambler is bad health.  Any other setbacks are temporary aggravation." - Benny Binion The News...  R.I.P. - Bob Bates Bob Bates catching fish like he caught cards. We lost a good one earlier this month in Counselor Bob Bates on January 11th.  Although Bob wasn't involved with our weekly game, (Lord knows Adrienne tried but the MAC computer gods were too tough for us!) but I know many of you played with Bob over the years at Vault, CCC, and the VFW.  Adrienne and I had the mantra "Don't bluff Bob." before every session.  It's amazing that it needed repeating but it did.  We were fortunate enough to go fishing ...

Marty Kunz - Weasel? Clown? Both?

Jan 3rd, 2024 Newsletter Cold Deck Quote: "Besides lovemaking and singing in the shower, there aren't many human activities where there is a greater difference between a person's self-delusional ability and their actual ability than in poker." - Steve Badger The News...  Meet Marty.  Now run. *Marty with all the chips. Marty Kunz - WeaselClown64 - Card Player, Longhorn, and just an all around....ok guy - Pet hand - QQ Me:  When did you start playing poker? What was it that got you “hooked"? Marty:   When I was about 5-6 years old.  My dad and stepmother taught me on the rug of the living room floor.  I had a can of change that I had saved up, and we would pla...